Monday, January 27, 2020
The Idealized Picture Of Women In Fashion Advertisements Marketing Essay
The Idealized Picture Of Women In Fashion Advertisements Marketing Essay RESEARCH AIM The aim of this dissertation is to research and analyse the idealized picture of women in fashion advertisements and to define the role of digital impact of transparency in fashion advertisements. Another aim is also to provide recommendations regarding the best way of portraying the women in fashion advertisements to increase the brand sales. BACKGROUND TO ISSUE Womens fashion advertisements in magazines, television and in digital media show the idealized image of women that can cause different females reaction to that to which belong for example doubt in self-esteem, perceiving attractiveness in themselves, general body dissatisfaction or cause problem with eating. According to the range of researches womens self-perception changed through social comparison (Durkin, 2007). According to the WARC report We dont want to live in your fantasy world women want to see the advertisements that mirror their age, size or background. There is also a debate between many people how real women should look like in advertisements where the rise of digital technologies gives photographers, advertisers and other people who do advertisements opportunity to retouch images of models or celebrities. Most of the women are aware of the digital technologies and the way fashion magazines use them. Although digital technologies make air brushed models so popular, marketers have to know their potential customers needs and expectations towards the fashion advertisements. If consumers dont want to see air-brushed models in advertisements marketers have to respect this, otherwise there will be a loud respond in social media to that campaign. (Gillard, 2011). The subject will try to explain however fashion advertisements persuade or manipulate its target audience. It will also try to explain and evaluate a range of business and real-world marketing problems theories. Readers will learn and understand the effect of fashion advertisements on brand perception what is the impact of digital media in whole process of fashion advertisements and also how should look the future fashion campaigns to make its target audience happy. The subject will also investigate current fashion advertisements and analyse the changing habits towards it. The question which will be asked in this part is: what was the reason to start using curve women in some of the fashion campaigns and what were the reactions for it. OBJECTIVES To identify and critically review general theories and ideas. To critically analyse the idealized female picture in fashion advertisement and its impact of women body satisfaction and brand perception. To examine and consider how fashion brands can influence womens buyers behaviour. To compare and discuss the idealized images of fashion advertising. To critically assess the level of visual attention to fashion advertising  To compare and contrast the visual attention to fashion advertising offline and online. To critically evaluate the impact of digital technology in portraying the picture of women in fashion advertisements. To discuss the issue of telling the truth in the fashion advertisements and how it is relevant to the brand. Draw conclusion from both primary and secondary research undertaken. Make recommendations how women should be portrait in the advertisements. LITERATURE SOURCES According to the research there are many, up to date journals, books and many relevant websites. Most of the sources are published in last five years. Dissertation will start from analysing: BOOKS TELL THE TRUTH, SUE UNERMAN AND JONATHAN BASKIN 2012. This book explains the content of marketing communication and how telling the truth in advertising campaigns is important to the brands. It brings the advantage of building a competitive brand as well as brings sales and solid relationship with its customers. AFTER IMAGE, JOHN GRANT, 2003 Book looks into the future of marketing, provide a range of business theories as well as provide a social research and look into the trends which dominate in successful brands. SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF FASHION ADVERTISEMENT MANUEL KAUFMANN, 2006 Book answers to the question How fashion advertisements convey their images by explaining the semiotics theory, the science of sings and how does it relate in fashion advertisements. ADVERTISING IN WOMENS FASHION MAGAZINES, DRU WINN, 2011 Book analyse the entire fashion magazine, the sexual role of women in fashion advertisements and stereotypes which magazines have. JOURNALS WILL CHANGING MEDIA CHANGE THE WORLD? KASSEY WINDELS, 2011 Article says how digital media affect creativity of the fashion advertising campaigns, what is the difference between fashion advertisements now and before. TARGETING WOMENS FASHION CLOTHING OPINION LKEADERS IN MEDIA PLANNING: AN APPLICATION TO MAGZANIES, ERIC VERNETTE, 2004 Journal tries to answer for the questions such as: how can opinions leaders are identified in a given segment? Do the media they read statistically differ from the media read by no opinion leaders? in focus on womens clothing brands in France. PRETTY AS A PICTURE: A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF IDETALISED IMAGERY IN ADVERTING IN WELL- BEING OF YOUNG WOMEN, KAREN FRASER AND EMMA TAYLOR 2012 Article explains fashion advertising role in visual background and impact of airbrushed women in advertising on young women. WEBSITES WOMENS VIEWS ON THIR PORTRAY IN ADVERTISING- WE HAVE CHANGED, DO ADVERTISERS KNOW? GILLEM LAWSOM, BRAHMA SUNANDA, 2006 Article analyse how women what are the nowadays women values, have they changed and what have changed. It analyse how do advertisers should communicate with them to make successful campaigns. YOUNG WOMENS VISUAL PROCESSING OF FASHION ADVERTISMENTS USING EYE TRACKING, HAEVON JU, 2012 The study analyse the effects of fashion advertisements on young women using eye tracking. WHAT WOMEN REALLY WANT FROM CAMPAIGN, PETER FIELD, 2009 Article study different advertising campaigns by using focus group and analyse what are women expectation from the advertisements. Online fashion magazines will be analysed such as: METHODOLOGY Dissertation will conduct three stage processes which is research planning (subject identification, information collection and analysis), research implementation according primary and secondary research and research review. Literature review will focus on explanation, discussion and critical analysis of terms and concepts as well as on analysis of the most relevant studies about fashion advertisements and impact of digital technologies in this field. In order to confirm data gathered in the secondary research there will be conducted primary research with the use of different methods. Primary Research will complete the subject with the opinion and information from people who are currently working on this subject as well as people who are interested in this. Methods which will be included are: Questionnaire to confirm all captured data and confirm its reliability it is believed to carry out additional questionnaires which will gain at least sixty responses. Questionnaire will research what kind of fashion advertisements more are appealing to the women. Interviews Interview people from fashion magazines and advertising agencies to find out the decision making process for fashion advertisements. Whenever is it better to make advertisements with skinny and beautiful models or curvy ones and why is like that. Focus Groups to research how advertisements fashion changes peoples perception of a brand. People will see, compare and describes their feelings about many different kind of fashion advertisements. Advertisements analyse analyse of the successful advertisements will be provided. This will analyse what kind of fashion advertisements are the most successful, what kind of reaction was formed and measure the level of customer engagement. TIME PLAN The timetable below shows dissertation plan for the year. Intensive research, reading and advertisement analysis will be conducted from October and will last till March. Primary Research will start in December and will be carrying out till February. Dissertation review and last corrections will be made from April till last submission 9th of May. October November December January February March April May Intensive Research Methodology Review Final Proposal 24th Reading and Advertisement Analyse 2nd draft hand it 17th Primary Research Literature Review Editing And Reviews Final Submission 9th
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